Special Interest > Training and Tactics

Defensive Pistol Practice and Training (Link)

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Howdy, y'all... It's been a while, so I thought I would post this. It was a good read, and there are some good ideas...

Also, it got me to thinking... We have some great guys here with some wonderful experience. I wonder if some of our members could contribute ideas for training and "keeping sharp" that would be helpful to the rest of us. Goodness knows I could use some help...

Here we go, time to introduce my new video series Angryvikingman's "A fat guys guide to practical self defense." LOL, I have a few videos I'll throw up on youtube. Be sure to give them extra harsh criticism. LOL!

Those will be extra useful to me... SD from the comfort of my couch? Haha

Here we go! I'll add them below as they upload to YouTube.
Video 1: Tactical Reload
Video 2: Mating Thumbs Grip

               Hey thanks for taking the time to make both those video's. Question: does that tactical load work on all brands or just CZ or just that or certain models of CZ?

              Up until today, there is no way I would have slapped a mag into the pistol that hard. Then again, since I load a tracer round third from the bottom, my slide never gets a chance to lock back. But, that as it may be, Every time I saw that done with a 1911 the top round got jolted out of postion and you ended up with a jam? Or am I just really really old and haven't kept up?
             There was a definite line between just hard enough to seat the mag and hitting it too hard and ending up with a jam.


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