Author Topic: Can a CZ 82 be DAO?  (Read 7151 times)


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Can a CZ 82 be DAO?
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:02:26 PM »
The CZ 82 is DA/SA, it has no uncocker, and the safety is out of the way and hard to move (at least mine is, but still). DAO is my preference anyhow, but for the above reasons, i would not consider carrying a CZ 82 as it is. Can one be safely converted to fire in double-action-only without rebuilding the whole gun?

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Re: Can a CZ 82 be DAO?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 08:53:15 AM »
     First off I want to thank you for joining and
       second that is to me anyway an intresting question. I really don't think I have ever heard that request/idea before. I am not even close to resembling a gunsmith, so I have no idea how to accomplish what you want. However until one of our members see this and posts and answer I wanted to suggest you either contact CZ-USA or CZCustom to see what they have to say. I am fairly sure you can get a longer safety put on, so that should solve one of your questions. A decocker maywell be available also.
      But frankly if a weapon can be fire DA then by definition it can be fired if for some reason it was cocked. Actually I'm not even sure you can even try the do something like that since once it's cocked or the hammer is somehow pushed far enough back by accident or misadventure I do believe that would negate the DA safety in Soto and the weapon would be able to discharge if given the right conditions.
      Again I am not a gunsmith should please talk to CZ-USA or CZCustom and see what they say. And if you don't mind please post what ever information on the subject you find, since this site is so that we all together can learn from each other. and Teach also.
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