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New hunting rifle


Just purchased my first hunting rifle. I now need to ask what to most is a simple question. Cablela's had a poor selection of soft cases. Am on line and found one I like very much from LLBean. My question is this, if the rifle measures 441/2 in. do I purchase a 46 inb for a closer fit or 48 in. bag with the extra room :rolleyes: . It should be simple, however never owned a scoped rifle and would like to order the correct size once from LLBean. Thanks for any help.

I think the closer fit would be better, less room for the rifle to slide....JMHO. I think the height measurement would be more an issue than length, but I think they are all designed for scoped rifles.....

Thanks chfields

 Try the 44.5 first if its to snug go with the 46. LL Bean is great about returns.What do you have to loose but a few bucks shipping? ED


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